文/菲律宾海天禅寺禅修班学员 传心


  Change-the most constant thing in this world. Without change, a person cannot develop awareness. This path of practice that I take leads me to my own awareness leading to the true nature of life. Life is not ideal. Day by day, I know that as I go through it, I experience a lot of things and these experiences sometimes fail to live up with my own expectations. The unenlightened life that I go through and the way I see this world that I live for is my own suffering.

  Cause has its own effects. It is true that everything in this world arises with cause and conditions and also ends with cause and conditions. What we do now, will surely have an effect on our lives tomorrow or the days after that. That is the outcome of the things that we do or the decisions that we make everyday. To have a good outcome, the path that we should take should always be middle way. It means that there should be no extremes in life. Everything should be balanced to transcend the suffering that we experience. In addition, making the right decisions may mean that we should put efforts in our own actions. Having the right mind and action I know will eventually lead my path to an enlightened life which is my ultimate bliss.


